EUWAX - The largest European exchange for structured products

Enjoy multiplicity Trade over 1.7 million products

Trade at 0.1% (min. EUR 14.95)

Buy and sell from 8 a.m. through to 10 p.m. (CET)

Your gateway to structured products in Europe

EUWAX (segment of Börse Stuttgart) is the largest exchange-based segment for securitized derivatives in Europe, featuring over 1.7 million publicly listed securities linked to indices, equities, commodities and currencies.


 Knock-out Warrants

 Bonus Certificates

 Tracker Certificates

 and many more

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Low to high risk strategies


Protect your portfolio from volatility and offset potential future losses linked to adverse market price movements.


Deploy multi-legged strategies to profit from all markets trends – bull, bear & range.

Structured Products traders are also interested in …


Cost-effectively diversify or hedge your portfolio with these versatile instruments


Trade cryptos and benefit from their volatility to maximize your returns.